Tactical Urbanism

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Tactical urbanism usually refers to localised, low-cost interventions focused on improving the urban environment, often implemented by the community itself. These involve the rapid implementation of circumscribed changes to public space, such as installing furniture, adopting green areas, painting public facilities or creating spaces for cultural events. The aim is to create more vibrant, safe and functional urban spaces and promote community involvement. These interventions are often used to reimagine the use of public space, stimulate social interaction and improve the quality of life in cities.

The RAP is attentive to tactical urbanism initiatives and has therefore taken on two fronts of activity:

  • identifying initiatives developed by RAP members;
  • producing a publication with good practices that can serve as inspiration for Portuguese local authorities.

If you know of an experience and would like to contribute to the Observatory under construction, please fill in the form below and send it to the Network's Technical Secretariat at rap@oficina.org.pt.