
Participatory Budgeting Quality Index

The significant spread of Participatory Budgeting has posed challenges in terms of the methodological and deliberative attributes of these processes, essential aspects for their credibility and sustainability. Aware of this situation, the Network of Participatory Municipalities promoted a debate among its members, with the aim of establishing parameters of demand that these initiatives must ensure, as a safeguard for sustained growth and progressive affirmation in society. The work carried out led to the creation of a Participatory Budgeting Quality Index (IQOP), made up of 13 principles and 50 indicators. These were designed in such a way as to respect the healthy methodological diversity and innovation of the processes, while challenging each initiative to an exercise in critical self-reflection, capable of raising the respective horizons of ambition.

To find out more about IQOP and try it out, click here


Participa Mais - Ten Steps for Designing Participation Systems

Democratic regimes have been facing a continuous weakening of people's active involvement in decision-making. This is extremely important, since civic participation is an essential dimension of democratic systems, as it allows the state to respond more effectively to society's complex challenges and strengthens people's trust in institutions. This challenge calls on everyone to see community involvement as the cornerstone of a cohesive, renewed and vibrant regime, which implies moving on from one-off, instrumental processes towards the creation of broader, more inclusive participation systems. A Participation System is a model of organization that brings together, in a structured way and under a common vision, the public participation initiatives promoted by an entity, creating unity and strengthening the links between them, while allowing society, in its diversity, to decide how it wants to exercise its citizenship. Aware of this challenge, the Participatory Municipalities Network has developed the "Participa Mais" tool. This is a pioneering instrument, made up of ten steps, which was created to help public administration bodies design their Participation Systems.

For more information, please contact the Network's Technical Secretariat at


"Quem Participa?" Game

It is widely recognized that without concrete and intentional mechanisms, citizen participation practices in public policy-making tend to mirror the under-representations that exist in a given reality, thus diminishing their integrative and inclusive potential. Aware of this trend, the Participatory Municipalities Network has created a self-diagnostic tool on the inclusive nature of initiatives promoted by municipalities and parishes. This is a collaborative game, in board format, to be used by the teams directly responsible for conducting civic participation processes. The "players" are invited to analyze 42 profiles belonging to traditionally under-represented social groups and check whether the methodologies they adopt are the most appropriate to guarantee the participation of these people. "Who participates?" does not stop at analyzing each of the situations identified, but calls for the adoption of measures to facilitate the inclusion of individuals who are unable to access the participatory process.

For more information, please contact the Network's Technical Secretariat at


The inclusion of underrepresented groups in participatory processes


Tatiane Serrano, Simone Júlio, Nelson Dias e Rafaela Cardita

Publication year



This book exposes and analyzes the data collected within the scope of a collaborative action research, carried out with members of Rede de Autarquias Participativas (RAP), regarding the inclusion of underrepresented groups in participatory processes. Underrepresented actors are people who belong to social groups or territories that are traditionally less present in collective dynamics. The study was based on two lines of research: self-assessment and external assessment. The first consisted of applying a questionnaire survey to all RAP members, through which they were able to assess the inclusion of these actors in the ongoing participatory processes. The second analyzed the inclusive nature of the Internet pages dedicated to participation, which are owned by the local authorities that make up the network.


Territorial carers


Nelson Dias, Tatiana Urbanovik Brandimiller e Tatiane Serrano Dias

Publication year



Carers of the Territory is a publication that presents a set of initiatives underway in Portugal, essentially promoted by local authorities, which have as a common feature the promotion of collaborative management models for public assets. The examples presented in the book cover a variety of contexts and areas of activity, including environmental preservation, the maintenance and revitalisation of public spaces, the management of natural resources and the promotion of community safety. In each case, the active role of citizens was fundamental to the success of the initiatives, demonstrating that participation is a key element in the sustainability and effectiveness of public policies.


Biblioteca Humana


Marta Costa

Publication year



The Human Library (BH) functions as a kaleidoscope of the diversity of a given community. It allows participants to contact this multiplicity, understand it and celebrate it, giving a voice and opportunity for each other to make themselves heard. BH facilitates constructive and informal dialogue with people who have traditionally been victims of preconceived ideas, discrimination or social exclusion.


Intervenções Integradas em Territórios Prioritários


Priscila Soares e Nelson Dias

Publication year



This guide presents a set of guiding principles for the development of integrated interventions in priority territories. Additionally, it outlines an action strategy, indicating areas to focus on and concrete activities to develop. A work methodology is also proposed and a monitoring and evaluation component outlined.


Participatory Budgets


Nelson Dias e Vânia Martins

Publication year



This guide aims to provide a set of guidelines and recommendations, as well as warnings for aspects that must be considered from the moment the practice is conceived, until its start-up and effective implementation. The aim of this is to create a support document, which should be adapted depending on the location and resources where the Participatory Budget will be experimented.


Council Forum for Health Promotion


Nelson Dias e Simone Júlio

Publication year



The implementation of a Municipal Forum for Health Promotion in the municipality of Cascais, with the objective, among others, of defining a Local Health Promotion Strategy using public participation through Local Plenaries, can be considered a pioneering practice in Portugal. As such, this guide aims to convey the methodology behind the practice, so that it can be replicated in another context.


Community Civil Protection and Defense Centers


Rejane Lucena

Publication year



This guide will explain the essential steps for implementing these Centers and understand that their purpose is to aggregate Civil Protection actions among the population. Volunteers participate in these and will contribute to strengthening the Civil Protection team at school, in the neighborhood or in larger territories.


Roadmap for Promoting a Local Development Plan


Maria João Freitas

Publication year



Throughout this guide, some topics will be presented that will help to understand the steps for implementing a diagnosis and local development plan, using the participation of the most relevant actors in the territory.


Roadmap for a Participated Review of the Municipal Master Plan


Maria João Freitas

Publication year



This guide presents some topics that will help you understand the steps for implementing a participatory review of the Municipal Master Plan.
