Community Participation Programs

Urban planning theories recognize the value of community participation in development processes, suggesting that involving people in collective life tends to strengthen trust, mutual knowledge, understanding of differences, cooperative relationships, and the adoption of measures that are more tailored to needs.

This concept is all the more true the more localized participatory processes are, i.e. the closer they are to citizens' daily lives.

It is in this context that grassroots initiatives are particularly important, aimed at strengthening coexistence, consultation and dialogue in micro-territories such as neighborhoods or small communities.

Public and private programmes have emerged to support the self-organization of residents and strengthen neighbourhood relations.

Aware of this reality, the Participatory Municipalities Network intends to organize a collection of these types of programs, which can serve as inspiration for our members. See several examples of programs in the Observatory.

If you know of an experience and would like to contribute to the portfolio under construction, please fill in the form below and send it to the Network's Technical Secretariat at