
Public presentation of "Participa Mais". It is an extremely innovative tool, made up of ten phases, during which local authorities carry out a diagnosis of the participation initiatives they promote, assess existing weaknesses, identify the actions needed to consolidate participation as a strategic commitment of the entity and the steps they must take to strengthen an institutional culture that is more geared towards involving citizens in the management of common goods. /p>

"Participa Mais" also proposes a definition of the very concept of a Participation System and the determinants that make it possible to measure its materialization. It is a name that has been used in various media, often in a vague and random way, not allowing for a more rigorous conceptual precision and a metric that makes it measurable. This work has now been carried out with "Participa Mais", providing municipalities with a theoretical framework on the subject, but also a structured practical guide that allows it to be put into practice.

Program available here.


Torres Vedras, Centro de Artes e Criatividade de Torres Vedras